My Tut Blog

Friday, September 12, 2014

How about a ton of freebies and cu gradients.

Lets start with some CU gradient goodies!! LOL
First, yes these are CU and yes you may use them as such.
Please give proper credit, not needed but always appreciated.
Second, if you share anything, share my blog link.
Third and final, let me know what you make with any of my freebies. (wink)

My gradients I uploaded are Monach, Voodoo Vicky, I love Zombie, and Zombie 5 and 4.
(Zombie 4 and I Luv Zombies I don't have a preview
Download them HERE

Second all my templates are personal use, unless stated otherwise.
Again, please share my blog link if you share anything and if you wish to give me credit, that is always appreciated.
Trick or Treat, Voodoo, and Zombie temps can be downloaded HERE


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for these great templates and gradients!


runawaypony said...

Your templates are just what I was looking for. Thank you so much for sharing.